
The meeting was held in the Museum of Natural History of Toulouse (Auditorium and Moaï Restaurant) and in the nearby buildings of the old Faculty of Medicine (Poster sessions, Room Pous).



JUNE 26th, 2018


15:00 -18:00             Arrival/Registration, Hall of the Museum

18:00 -18:20             Introduction


18:20 – 20:00           Session 1: Structure and function of OddPols and transcription machineries 

21:00 - 0:00              Conversation hours - Room Pous / Poster display


JUNE 27th, 2018


9:00 – 10:40              Session 2: Structure and function of OddPols and transcription machineries  (II)

11:00-12:40              Session 3: Regulation of transcription: activators and repressors

12:40-14:00              Lunch (Moaï restaurant, Museum)


14:00-16:00              Poster session (Odd numbers), Room Pous


17:00- 18:30              Visit of Toulouse (Guided tour)


Dinner in town    


21:00-0:00                Discussion near posters, Conversation hours.

Room Pous / Poster display


JUNE 28th, 2018


9:00 – 10:40              Session 4: Regulation of transcription: elongation and termination

11:00-12:40              Session 5: Chromatin effects on transcription

14:00-15:40              Session 6: Interplay between transcription, genome organization and nuclear structures

16:00 – 17:00           Plenary Lecture by Craig Pikaard: “History of Pol IV and V, from discovery to elucidating their functions in RNA-directed DNA methylation

 JUNE 29th, 2018


9:00 – 10:40              Session 7: Mechanisms of gene silencing

11:00-12:40              Session 8: OddPols involvement in development, genetic disorders, cancer and diseases (I)

12:40-14:00              Lunch (Moaï restaurant, Museum)


14:00-15:40              Session 9: OddPols involvement in development, genetic disorders, cancer and diseases (II)

16:00-17:40              Session 10: News ideas – Oddpols and beyond – Novel links with Physiology, aging

17:40 – 18:00           Meeting closure


18:00 – 0:00              Banquet (Moaï restaurant, Muséum)

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